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Destination Imagination is an amazing creative problem solving educational organization that strives to promote creativity. Each year, more than 100,000 students across the U.S and In more than 30 countries participate in solving open-ended challenges and presenting their solutions at regional, state and national tournaments. Teams of 5· 7 students are tested to think on their feet, work together and
devise original solutions that satisfy the requirements of the Challenges.

Teams are made up of 5-7 members, and work after school to create their solution and to prepare for the regional tournament in late February. This is open for kindergarten through 5th grade students.


Please contact your campus GT Specialist for more information.

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Pay online using MySchoolBucks (MSB)!
1) Sign into a MySchoolBucks account
2) Click "add student" on the home screen and enter all required fields. (skip this step if your student has already been added)
3) Click "Invoices" on the home page.
4) Select "Payment Options" to submit a partial payment. Select "Add To Cart" to pay the entire invoice.
5) Once added, click on the cart and select "Checkout" and input your payment information